Wednesday, November 2, 2011

When You Get Older Recuperation Is Slower!

I am trying to keep my humor here, but slow recuperation is not pleasant...I have things to do, people to see and places to go! So why does this common cold take so long to go away!

The bright side of this is that I have noticed the bathroom sink needs repair, the windows need a good cleaning (we skipped them this spring), my kitchen vent hood is greasy and there is dust in places I've never noticed before! I guess this means I'm getting better!

For months, I have been receiving an email that invites me to order groceries online from our local store. I have never done it, because it is so close to our home. Well....I am home now...I think it might be fun to see how this works. The first order is free, so what can I lose? I did it and will have them delivered today! Of course, I would not order perishables and items to be weighed. I like to choose my fruits and vegetables is only MY eyes that can determine what veggies and fruits are right for me!

I have watched more TV than ever...the food network has been my viewing of choice!  I find no interest in cupcake making so would never watch those episodes.........UNTIL NOW! I enjoyed watching the episodes. When I couldn't find the remote to change it, I was forced to watch!   Now...I like it!

Amazing how we can tune in to our surrounding in a keener sense when we actually stay there. There is a lesson to be learned here, but I don't have a clue as to what it may be! Oh well, when I get back to my normal routine, those things won't  matter much!

In the meantime, I will see what new interests I can discover...I've noticed some new cobwebs on my bedroom to get to that! But wait....let me get completely well first!

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