Saturday, November 5, 2011

What Is A Realistic Goal For Alex With Angelman's Syndrome

There are no marks, limitationes that I could see or even know of, so I would guess that the sky is the limit...How could we know what is locked up in the brain of a speechless person. How do we unlock Alex's potential. Pleasant surprises is my goal! Expose him to different program on his new iPad and watch him go. I have started this and will admit to frustration....but trying to be empathetic....feeling what he is feeling!

For certain, he is interested in his new "tech toy"...turning it into a means of communication is another matter. His fine motor skills need fine tuning......but that is ok....we will work with what he can do! Music is absolutely a motivation! This gives me a place to start!

Expensive...yes! However, he will not be driving a car nor riding an expensive bicycle, so....why not!

My Alex is my grandson. We have been caring for him since 1990. He is part of our family in all the senses! We love him and will continue to hope for his betterment now and in the future. Of course the basis for perfect health in the future for him is based on Isaiah 35.

I am currently working on a video that will show his progress in using his iPad! I will share it with you when completed!

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