Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Video of Alex Learning His New iPad With Diagnosis Angelman Syndrome!

When Alex received his iPad, he was curious and excited but a bit apprehensive. I explained as well as I could how we touch it not slam it! Alex, with his diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome has shown us that there may be some cognitive skills to be tapped. I am so motivated to help him communicate with some new applications!

Of course, this has to be handled in a deliberate, consistent way. There will be fustration on my part, I know. My desire to see him go to the next level is keen, butI need to be patient.

There will be funtime on the iPad after he has done some work. Today I uploaded the application AUTO VERBAL PRO from the iTunes site. Alex is non-verbal, so this app will work just fine to begin with. Later on, there might be a more complex application for him!

I intend to document his progress or at least our sessions, whether or not he makes great strides. His focus on the screen makes me think that he is willing to learn!

I participate in a group of Angelman Syndrome parents. Their input in regards to this iPad "tool" has been helpful! I have learned alot from the comments on their wall! Our Angelman kids (adults or children) have a potential that we do not know about yet.
I say expose them to the learning tools and see what surprises we experience!
                              Alex fascinated by his iPad!!

The two still photos show the day he seen his iPad for the first time!

I have hope that he will learn more than I can imagine with my consistent effort with him!

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