Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cancer: Why Is It Important What I Say Or Don't Say!

Most of us have been touched by this terrible dreaded disease. CANCER! The name somehow carries with it a death sentence. Of course, the many cancer survivors are changing that! For the purpose of this blog, we will speak of those are terminally ill!

There are routine exams that will detect a potential problem long before it becomes serious. For men, prostate, lung and colon cancer are the most common. In women, breast, colon and lung are more prevalant. There are routine exams that will help deter a major illness.So it is important to be cooperate with our physicians when asked to participate in one of these tests! Now the lecture is over....getting back to our demeanor when we are with our sick loved one.

We have been personally touched by cancer by many of our family members. It is never easy. You read text on how we should make them feel comfortable. Is there any rule on how to do this? Certainly the sick individual and his personality is to considered. Focusing on his appearance before his illness helps to stay focused on him as an individual. Holding his hand and saying nothing, and crying  is useful and can let him know how much you care.

Photographs of the person in his days of health can help focus on who he is as a person. Illness can change our appearance. Some prefer to have only immediate family visit them. Some patients prefer to have all his friends around him at this crucial point in his life. Certainly we would want to respect the wishes of our loved one and maintain his dignity.

Another matter to be considered is TREATMENT. Does the patient prefer to have treatment or not have treatment! If he chooses to forego treatment, are we ready to support him in that decision? This is more difficult as it requires a sincere demostration of love. It is the most common topic for discussion when the family rallies for the solution. Ultimately, the decision falls on the patient!

For the most part, our family have lost spiritual brothers and sisters, that is, those that are related to us in the faith. We have said goodbye to family members also. We have been able to share with them the hope of all sickness and death wiped out forever in the near future. Revelation 21:3,4. Of course this is their belief, so it is comforting for them to hear it from us. They realize that they will only be "asleep" for a short time before they are resurrected and restored to perfect health. Sickness and death will soon be things of the past! John 5:28,29. In general, all sickness will be gone. No more sadness and tears for losing those we love! Rather there will be tears of joy when we see our loved ones alive again!

How do we start to be a part of this joyous time? John 17:3 says the "this means everlasting life their taking in knowledge of you the only true God and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ"
There are seven million dedicated persons all over the world declaring this wonderful message for the benefit of all mankind! They are Jehovah's Witnesses.

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