Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Common Cold Isn't So Common For Us Oldsters!

This is day 9 of my common cold! On day 6, I was concerned that this cold wasn't getting better! We made an appointment with the doctor who told us that we had a cold of the virus type. No antibiotic needed! Whatever happened to the common cold? I remember sniffles and a little cough. Back then, we needed a chest vaporub and tissues! The "common" cold has turned vicious! I do have seasonal asthma, so was given a prescription for an inhaler which would help.

This means that we would have to get over this terrible "common" cold by ourselves...no help from technology. No quick fix! We had the flu shot, but doesn't have anything to do with what we have. The coughing, phlegm and nasal conjestion is only part of the common cold. Thank goodness I irritated my sinuses because I was given something for that. It has helped to further irritate!

Even when I would feel better, I could not be out socially because of the hacking and spitting of this terrible phlegm. A bad name has this PHLEGM. But wait, in looking up this symptom, I found that phlegm is produced in our bodies all the time! It is beneficial! It is when we "feel" it, that we want to get it out! I will leave this subject for you to research as I find it kind of gross, but interesting at the same time!

Staying home gives me time to blog and catch up on my reading. So, it can't be all bad! My husband has already continued his normal routine, as he somehow has a better resistance than I do! I will take a little longer!

All week, I hadn't cooked, so I thought I would cook yesterday. My apprehension about cooking was spreading germs. I wanted to try to start the meal! It's been a week! We normally would have a "mask" in the garage. You know, the kind that you use when doing yardwork to ward off allergies! Well, I couldn't find one! So I get my gloves. I have plenty of gloves! I keep supplied  as they are useful for Alex's care. Most who have followed my blogs know that we care for our adult grandson who has Angelman Syndrome! Well...back to the initial theme.....

I pulled it off! I made some nice ground beef chili..it turned out very delicious! Being out of my comfort zone is so unpleasant! I want to get back to my routine. I do not want my recuperation to slow me down...At least I had the opportunity to do a little of what I enjoy! I do enjoy cooking! I made plenty, so won't have to worry for a day or so....My husband is not demanding and can do lighter cooking if he feels the need.

I guess there is something positive about getting older....you don't have to rush to "get better". You don't have a clock to punch! If visitors come by to visit while you are sick, there is no urgency to "look good". They understand! Also, it is OK to blow your nose in front of them..They understand!

Come to think of it.....it's not so bad getting older.....it beats the alternative!

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