Thursday, November 3, 2011

Standing Here! Looking Back! Years of Experience!

The old saying looking back is 20/20 has some truth in it! When we have lived through generations of our family history, we become somewhat of an expert or at least an eye witness to some highs and lows of our family! Lots of tears, laughter, joy, pride are in the mix! As the years go by, the pain we felt when bad decisions are made on the part of the younger ones, seems to pale....Yes..the bad decisons did lead to many changes in their lives.....we learn that no matter how desperately we want the best for them, the decision is theirs to make!

There is some comfort that we gave it our best effort to help...that counts for something! Getting older with the knowledge that we have helped in some way is somewhat gratifying and give us a feeling of purpose in our "winter years"! Are we wiser? I guess that would be relative....did we show a good example to our family members? Maybe...maybe not! Is that the point?

We all have a different fund of tools for use when the need arises, that is, we use what we on point: My father raised us with the discipline that he was raised with. He wasn't the best example as he would drink alcohol on a regular basis. He did work and bring home a paycheck and had a structured home...something my mom was largely responsible for, the structured home. A strict man, my father! I loved my father...despite the "iron hand.. it was all he knew...he didn't have a father to raise him..only an older brother. Being strict was necessary to keep the family together...he thought he was doing the right thing! He was using the only tools he had known!

On one particular day, he sobbed in front of me, feeling so regretful for not being the person he should have been. He had started a venture into the bible and began measuring himself as our Creator would was in that moment that EVERYTHING was better...that momentary event that would erase any lows of the past. He had been working with what he had...the only life he knew was a life of discipline, sometimes harsh discipline. Now he would be funded with knowledge of a better way. He could now use those "tools".

I will never forget that moment...isn't it interesting how a moment can stay with us. It definitely had an impact on me this day, I make a real effort to look past the action and try to reach the person behind this action for their motive!  We are all walking around with some baggage of some kind or another. This life isn't easy! My father died in 1986.

Of course, there are countless moments of joy to recount...grandparents out there know what I am talking about. The birth of the first grandchild, then second and then more! I have experienced that and even raised two of them! Yes....experience...I have had experience! But I have not been alone. I have a wonderful husband beside me that has experienced most of this with me! We both lean on our God Jehovah for strength!

If you are young, why not try asking an older one about their life in the good old days! Us seniors love to relate our history...if there is someone that will listen!

In our younger husband and partner!

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