Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Recollecting My Thoughts..meditation

Some need this reflection, some can do without it. I need it...and occasionally! Some call it meditation..but in a good sense. Not filled with random thoughts, but deliberate. That is how I can benefit from this time of concentration. Let's see..I've got to get back on track with my goals. A temporary interruption with my plans. But back to the drawing board. Now that Alex is going to the center each day for special activities, I can get back to the volunteer activities I have shared with my husband.

Family illness has forced a change in our schedule. At the end of this month will end a three month family stay in our home. Illness has made it necessary for a family of five to move in with us. This has been a change that has tested my emotions, patience and endurance. Only because of a change in routine. A routine that I have been accustomed to for some years now.

Now in November, that will change. My husband and I have always been there for those in need, serious need! In this case, it was no different! I am reflecting back on the times we have opened our home to friends and family on a temporary basis. Listing those occasions serve no purpose, except to say "we have done our part" We are now seniors that need a simple life style. Our life style of choice is the ministry. That continues to be our goal!

I guess I need to meditate on the reasons I want to fulfill my goal and "stop" taking on the responsibility of additional life changes! Caring for our special needs grandson Alex who is now 25, is enough for us.

Yes, I think we have done our part. This is the reasonable, logical part of this thought process. I need to work on the emotional part of this decision! Thus, meditation!

I think I am getting better at saying no when there are other alternatives.

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