Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If We Live Forever, Where?

My last blog was reasoning on why we die and on living forever according to the bible. The first mention of death is in Genesis 2:17.

For the sake  argument and differences in opinion, let us say we CAN live forever! Where do we live? This earth as we know it is polluted and ruination is what we see! It is  full of crime, immorality and hatred. Who would want to live forever under these conditions?

The bible has the answers. Psalms 37:10,11 says "...the meek will possess the earth and find your exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.." Better conditions to be certain! How will this happen and when?

Please read Daniel 2:44. This is definitely Good News! Presently there are close to 7 million persons announcing this fine message for the benefit of all! Take a moment to listen to it!

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