Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Knew What I Wanted And Waited! Married For 35 Years

Preparing for a lifelong marriage takes some planning and a great amount of consideration to the ideal mate. I do not use the word "perfect" because there is no such person. At least we could come close, thus the "ideal"

My first marriage was not a well thought move on my part. There was no planning. I was quite young...17 years old. What did I know and why do I need to consider my future! NOW is what matters, or at least that is what I thought. The marriage did not last and children were left to feel the affects of divorced parents. That marriage lasted 12 years.

So, when I was alone with four children, I begin to look to the future with more seriousness. For the first two years as a divorced woman, I was fully content with raising my children alone. After all, I thought, who would want me with a big family! I was content with my life!
After these two years, I began thinking of a mate to help me, share my goals, be my partner in this busy life I had started. The attention I received for the next three years from men was encouraging, but I made no marriage decisions.

I was determined to find a marriage mate that would be as devoted to our family arrangement as I was. Of course, he would need to have a job, be kind and find me irrestible! To find me attractive would be a plus. I would have to find him attractive as well!
I did find him when I was the least bit interested in looking for anyone. I was invited to a gathering, and there we met through a mutual friend. Who knew?

Below is my "ideal" and myself. Photo was taken about ten years ago!

We met in April.....married in August...after five years alone, and now have 35 years of marriage! We have two daughters and five grandchildren in addition to my "first batch".

I knew what I wanted in a man and waited until I found that person. My expectations were high but not out of reach!

We now serve Jehovah God together along with our family! It was well worth the wait!

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