Thursday, October 20, 2011

If Motivation Is The Key, I Will Unlock Alex's Learning Ability

So far, I have used each day to stimulate Alex's thinking/brain for his advancement in communication skills. I have used his new tool, the iPad.

I found a great link, that is, it was my daughter's referral! 
On YouTube, there is  a young man named Joe Penna who makes videos under the title of THE MYSTERY GUITAR MAN. It was an immediate hit for Alex, as he just loves this type of comedy! Joe Penna also has some interactive funny stuff. This is going to serve well as a final touch on "working" the iPad. Hard consistent work comes first then the funny stuff! After all, that is the principal purpose of this techie gadget! But Joe Penna IS funny! Sorry, I couldn't show his video..Copyright issues!  You can look it up for yourself. Check out Alex's complete enjoyment from one of Joe Penna"s video!

It feels good to see Alex enjoying himself. Mr. Penna had the opportunity to see Alex's reaction!

It took awhile to decide on the purchase of such an expensive item (iPad). At least, expensive to me. Although, Alex has his own funds and I try to be conservative with his money. This was a good deal...a learning gadget. It is up to me to be consistent. That is the key! REPETITION is RETENTION!

ANGELMAN SYNDROME parents can appreciate how our children can learn through consistency. Trouble is, we are so wiped out by the end of the day that determination becomes the factor then motivation...maybe a miday nap will help! :) For some children, diversion and funny stuff as mentioned above is best for the child. There are different levels of functionality.
As for Alex...learning is priority! I think he can do it!

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