Saturday, October 8, 2011

Conference Meeting Brunch and A Walk Through Old Towne San Diego

Friday started with arrangements for my husband to attend the conference meeting about Alex at the activity center...alone. My energy level from allergies had just zapped me. Then it occurred to me that there is a necessary annual meeting right after the first. I HAD to choice! I began to dress. Since I had been at home all week trying to feel better (I hate taking meds) I decided to look nice, in case I could convince my husband to go somewhere while we were out!

The meeting turned out well. Alex is really liked at the center and they find him very social and easy to get along with. Angelman Syndrome persons are very social, and although they can be problematic with some issues, all in all they are happy people! A syndrome of choice..that is, if one had a choice!

So, now lets go eat brunch! I wasn't too hungry, as I had coffee and a roll for breakfast, but I wasn't going to resist. After all, I hadn't been out all week! The alternative was to go directly home. I am a homebody, but I needed to stay out of the house for this particular morning and longer if I could swing it! I brought up the suggestion of going to OLD TOWNE here in San Diego.

We live in the San Diego area, but would you believe that we have not really appreciated all there is to see there, in regards to history of this state! My husband had no enthusiasm for the suggestion. Counter offer: Let's do an errand in National City then get on bus and get there directly with no worries about parking! I wasn't enthused about that. This was my first day out of the house in a week and didn't feel good about being on a noisy bus! Then silence...nothing was decided.

After our meal was over, we started on our way home without a word...I was thinking that I had to go by myself in this case. I didn't want to force him to go. He had things to do at home! At the last minute, he parked and said "let me pick up a few things, I'll be right back out". We went to OLD TOWNE together and took our time looking at all we could see in two hours. Of course, my camera came along. I took pictures and video of our two hour staycation!

Five minutes after we arrived at home, Alex arrived! We used all morning and afternoon doing nothing super important...just relaxing!

I am in the process of editing the video and pictures. I will attach them to this blog when it is ready, which should be sometime today, Saturday!  Ooops! Couldn't get the video uploaded, so here's some photos...!

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