Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sickness and Death Make It Go Away! It Will!

My belief in the Bible gives me the faith that sickness and death will be events of the past...soon!  Revelation 21:3, 4.

At the present time, we are thinking of our young friend (young enough to be our grandson) who is ill with an unknown diagnosis. He is currently in the hospital. It appears serious! Too young to be plagued by this kind of illness, currently unknown!

Then there is the family member who has recently been diagnosed with stage four cancer! He is not doing well as expected. Ironically, he retired 8 months ago and found out his diagnosis two months ago! This is a dark cloud over us at this time!

Two other family members, age 85 and 90 live 400 miles from us. They have been married 62 years! We check on them by telephone routinely. Because of their age, it is important to us to be at the ready to mobilize for any emergency changes. They both have been part of our lives for many years. We worry for them! Thankfully, they are in a community of fellow worshippers at the local Kingdom Hall.

Illness can strike at any age. Death can, too! Our view of death prepares us for the eventuality. The unconcious know nothing at all says the scripture. Ecclesiastes 9:10.

The older couple mentioned above worked tirelessy in the ministry and were models of showing hospitality to others. Now their weakened bodies has slowed down. However, they continue to do what they can to participate in showing love to their friends.

Years ago, she would prepare a large meal for families she wanted to know better. They had a table that seats six. They were two and their adult son (with Autism) would sit on the couch with a TV tray. She had room for four more persons at her small round table. That is how she did it for 50 years as I remember it! She is a great cook! Her husband helps out now. They are a joy to see, working together in the kitchen at their age!

We know that we won't have them too much longer. The scripture cited above helps us to be hopeful for something better. It is a strong hope even they embrace. We are all Jehovah's Witnesses and our hope is strong! But losing anyone in death or watching them suffer an illness brings sadness to us! It is NOT normal to lose someone in death! It is not something we have to accept. We look forward to a time when we will not have to speak of death or illness!

In the meantime, we console each other when it does happen! We will explain to those that don't know, why death occurs and why we get sick. The bible has those answers!

My personal sadnesses are not  unique. I know there are many out there who are suffering losses!

We look for the time when sickness and death are gone forever! It will be..!

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