Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Alex with his limited motor control, will have the opportunity to show us what is inside his brain! His IPad was ordered yesterday. Alex is 25 years old and non-verbal.

Alex, with Angelman Syndrome, has not had a high tech device, like the IPad to show us what he can do. He loves the computer and the dvd player, but fumbles with it as it is not "special needs friendly" as we have seen! Aside from a "special equipment" used at schools and centers that could accomodate him, a tool as the IPad is what he really needs for home.

It is rather simple in structure, but will have a variety of learning tools for him. He could even have a face to face with a friend in Britain that also has an IPad. We are looking forward to it.
I will have to teach him the programs which will be ongoing. That is ok. After all, it is a brain stimulator for him!

Alex has never rode on a bike nor driven a car. He does not know how it feels to come down on a sled in the snow. He has never taken a dive into a swimming pool...what's the big deal about spending almost $700.00 for his IPad. He will love it. I know he will!

Buttons..cause and effect are fascinating to Alex...We will get programs that will help him learn and strategize....although limited in his abililities...he is going to get the opportunity!

Buttons.......I remember when he walked out of the doctor's office, unnoticed by me, and headed for the elevators....Buttons......he pushed the button, elevator opened, he walked in.......I caught him just in time!  He's come along way since then..he's an adult now....Let's see what he can do!

I was offered free engraving for the back of the IPad! I made up and appropriate saying. It says..."This is Alex's Apple" "Get his permission if you want a byte"

I definite will post a photo of him with his new IPad!!  I am today posting an older photo of him. I guess we can caption it Alex waiting for the UPS truck!

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