Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Day After Family Dinner Night

Well, my son-in-law Jason did a great job in preparing four pizzas last night for Family Dinner Night! Surprisingly, we almost consumed ALL of them...He refused to share the herbs he used on the Margarita pizza. No...nothing to do with the drink. There were 15 of us here this night! I say, that only Colonel Sanders and the "cookie lady" (her name escapes me) have the right to withhold ingredients. Jason brought all ingredients in containers. Had I known that he wasn't going to share information, I would have peeked!

Credit for good prep and patience making the pizzas goes to JASON!! He has been at home as Mr. Mom for a few months now and has acquainted himself with the kitchen quite well! He also makes pancakes, waffle and BBQs quite well! Didn't take photos this night!

The noise level with six children in the living room while we sat in dining room, was tremendous! Or would this be an indication that I have now moved on to the next level of senioritis!  I had a daycare and don't remember the impact on my ears to this degree! Oh well, they are my grandchildren...once in a while is ok! But I think I still have it! All I have to do is say "we get dessert AFTER the toys are picked  up". It works!  Last night, we started something new...each child gets a "ticket" (a piece of white paper). They were to get in line with their ticket and wait their turn and hand the "ticket" to the server for their dessert! Somehow they are more patient while waiting. That "ticket" is their guarantee that they WILL get dessert!

So much for my adventuresome midweek dinner! Pictured here is Jason with my daughter!

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