Monday, October 10, 2011

Getting Old......!

I have always been an active woman.In my early twenties I already had four children from a early marriage. I sewed, cooked, baked and engaged in volunteer work each month. Since then, I have had and additional two children and raised two grandchildren! An active life, indeed! 
I am now seventy years old. A grandmother, great grandmother and caregiver for my adult grandson. Chores do not come as easy as before. They do get done at any rate.

My health is very good, and I am not taking medication for any ailments. Calcium is my daily vice.

When I get off a chair, it takes a few seconds to stretch the kinks out before taking my first steps.

First steps? Sounds like there might be some truth to the saying about the cycle of an older person reverting back to a baby. In a sense, the deteriorating body becomes frail as to need help to function.
Some of us will need assistance in walking, eating and caring for our personal hygiene needs.

If that should happen to me, my hope is that I will NOT become a burden to my family. If I should need help, I am hoping there will be a handful of willing workers. However, my observation is that the younger ones have so many diversions at their fingertips that we have lost the physical touch of humans to that of indented squares of our keyboard that is strategically placed in front of a moniter. Yes, technology! Who wants to be caring for the personal needs of an individual when they could be moving as fast as their fingertips on the computer!

I am sure that there will be some caring persons who will be available to be of assistance to me. That is, should I need the help! I am working hard at keeping ME as healthy as I can.

Check out my video above when interviewing two children on the subject of OLD!

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