Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dancing Alex

When there is a disability in the family, we have to learn to live with it or at least make it our new "normal". That is what we had to do with our adult grandson. I have videotaped Alex enjoying himself dancing as well as learning new tasks. This is our life! We have decided to make the most of it! With a routine at home that we all participate in, it becomes just a bit easier. I do have to admit that when Alex was young there were a lot more frustrations. Possibly, because we didn't know where this Angelman syndrome would lead us.  Add to that, the frustrations and hard work of raising any child.

As it is now, he has become a bit easier, in that he cooperates and has become very teachable. That is our life with Alex. Each parent, I believe, can reach their own "normal" with theie special needs member of the family. We have found ours and I am trying to document his life as much as I can. He matters! He counts! He is 25 years old!

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