Saturday, January 21, 2012


I sound like a complainer with no basis when I begin complaining of 60 degree weather in southern California USA. There are so many snowed in, this month of January 2012 with highs of 3 or lower in other parts of the country and world. For this old grandma of 70 years, it is getting difficult to stay warm on a rainy day.
Bundling takes on a meaning of "layering" on the clothes. Sweater, scarf, and a wool poncho. I am inside my house and still am working at feeling comfortably warm. Today, I have forgone any cooking. If I should do any cooking, I surely would have have solved the cold issue, only to create a fire that would begin with igniting my sleeve or the end of my scarf! Yes, I am serious, otherwise I wouldn't go through the trouble of blogging any of this!
There is something biological and scientific going on in my body. I cringe when I think of those in colder states that lose their electricity or run out of fuel. Or could it be that these ones have acclimated to the weather. At any rate, it is cooooold!!
I look forward to Tuesday when we can enjoy daytime weather at 75 degrees. That is what I like!  After all, this is southern California! It is what we expect!

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