Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Day At The Beach With The GrandKids

I love the beach, so what better place to take the grandkids.  School is out for three weeks. The kids are part fish, so they won't mind. We packed a light lunch and snacks and we were on our way! And oh yes...I brought my camera. How could I forget that! One thing about the SAND, it is not easy to walk on it when it sometimes pains to walk on even surface! Oh well..I've got some grandparenting to do! Can't think about my feet right now!

The pleasure of living in southern California, is that you drive a very short distance to get to the beach, and BEACH means WATER!  I love it! Messy, yes! It's time consuming when you get back in the van! Rinse the sand off. Change clothes in the van..sit on floor while changing! All wet clothes goes in that bag...no, NOT on the floor....in THAT bag! Hold that snack with the plastic bag so you won't get sand in your mouth! Then I have to dust of MY clothes. Sand and leather seats do not mix! The drive home was more tranquil after I bought us all an ice cream cone. Our mouths are busy, so it was a quiet ride! Now, my grandkids were very cooperative, but still, they ARE children. Lots of energy needed to match the "kids out of school" energy they need to explode!

I haven't mentioned getting home yet. All were to stand at the hose area to be "washed off" the best we could before entering the house. All sandy stuff stays outside until laundry started! In spite of all this, I love the beach!

All and all, we had a nice time! Enjoy the video with some added special visual effects..then tell me what you think!

Loving Photography and Movie Making in Short Segments!

I have been away from this site for awhile. I am returning as I will share the events as they have happened and are happening...First of all, I would like to share some videos I have put together. I am still a "wannabe" but enjoying the ride! I have been experimenting with Windows Movie Maker visual effects in compiling some old videos of mine! It takes away from the humdrum way of watching old videos. I have chosen to make them short, so as not to bore the viewer! Take a look!

Here's another!