Thursday, December 22, 2011


From the outside looking in, there appears to be only a lot of work caring for Alex. He has Angelman Syndrome. There are, however, many joys in seeing him reach new milestones as he get older. Years back, he was relentless in handflapping, which is common with Angleman persons. Now, his environment can be calming to him with soft music and a quiet surrounding, such as when we are listening to a discourse.  I have made a video of his demeanor when alone with him. In contrast, you can see how reactive he is around a crowd of persons!

All videos, amateur as they are, are for the benefit for anyone that would choose to know about Angelman Syndrome.

My videos are to document Alex's life!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


My Angelman Life As Alex...that is the title of my latest video. It's basically ordinary things we do with Alex with emphasis on his new iPad. He loves it and we feel it can be a good communication tool! This is just the beginning of his new experience with his new iPad. I battled with the editing feature of Windows Moviemaker and wasn't pleased with the quality of the video. However, the finished product is as good as it could be when a program freezes and does not allow you to see a preview of the video! Oh well, I AM an amateur at videotaping! Take a look and see if you like it!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Let me be candid about events in our life that may be useful for many. It is about MENTAL ILLNESS. In particular early onset of Alzheimers! I will omit dates, location and names to protect the privacy of family members!

I come from a large family of eight including my parents and lived in a small town in northern California, USA. We were an inquisitive bunch who wanted to know about our grandparents. What child does not ask questions about family! We were no different!

I will begin with the illness of an uncle, my mother's brother. He began with difficulty in walking! Back problems, the doctors would say. He was 41 when this problem began. Many medical visits over a course of years that finally resulted in an Alzheimers diagnosis. My uncle's condition became progressively worse, even having personality changes such as aggression! His wife patiently cared for him as long as she could, then placed him in a convalescent hospital. She visited him every day. He died at 49 years of age. During the course of his illness, my sister investigated into the death of our grandfather who died in our hometown. His death was never discussed! 

You see, there was a shame that beclouded any conversation about my grandfather. He died in a mental hospital in our hometown. Mother would never talk about it! But now, it was important! Grandfather had shown the same characteristics of this phantom illneness!
In the early days treatment of mental illness was rather crude! Lock them up and medicate them. Shock treatment was the quick fix! My mother would later tell us that he would say he was mistreated, but no one listened! Part of his illness? Who can say! His death certificate would reveal cerebral dementia, not exactly in those words but similar! He also died in his forties.

At forty years of age, a cousin began showing the same symptoms of Alzheimers. He progressively became ill with dementia and personality changes. It continued for years and was placed in a convalescent hospital! Again, his mother visited every day, taking his laundry home to wash and return the next day! Yes, she was wife to the uncle mentioned above and now was caring for her son.
He died in his late forties!

By now the family has accepted the fact that this is genetic! Through a search of our family history, we found that two additional cousins as well as an aunt, has died. All in their forties! Currently a cousin (not in this country) is showing the same Alzheimer symptoms as well as another here nearer to home! It is disturbing to us to have this menacing illness in our midst.

In 2005, we lost our elderly mother in death. She lived a long life with no symptoms of Alzheimers until one year before she died. The doctor's classified it as dementia. It was NOT an early onset of this illness. For that we are grateful! Her cognition would come and go. She never lost the ability to recognize her children. She did periodically forget what day it was and would cry uncontrollably. We feel she dodged the bullet! She was directly related to all persons mentioned in this story

Of course, it is of concern to us...this menacing illness. We realize the Alzheimers is not the only disease to fear. Other mental illnesses can invade the family...we have prepared ourselves! As a family, we trust that ALL diseases and sicknesses will be wiped out. Revelation 21:3,4. This is not a fantasy! It will happen! This hope sustains us while we cope with any death dealing diagnosis coming our way!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Knew What I Wanted And Waited! Married For 35 Years

Preparing for a lifelong marriage takes some planning and a great amount of consideration to the ideal mate. I do not use the word "perfect" because there is no such person. At least we could come close, thus the "ideal"

My first marriage was not a well thought move on my part. There was no planning. I was quite young...17 years old. What did I know and why do I need to consider my future! NOW is what matters, or at least that is what I thought. The marriage did not last and children were left to feel the affects of divorced parents. That marriage lasted 12 years.

So, when I was alone with four children, I begin to look to the future with more seriousness. For the first two years as a divorced woman, I was fully content with raising my children alone. After all, I thought, who would want me with a big family! I was content with my life!
After these two years, I began thinking of a mate to help me, share my goals, be my partner in this busy life I had started. The attention I received for the next three years from men was encouraging, but I made no marriage decisions.

I was determined to find a marriage mate that would be as devoted to our family arrangement as I was. Of course, he would need to have a job, be kind and find me irrestible! To find me attractive would be a plus. I would have to find him attractive as well!
I did find him when I was the least bit interested in looking for anyone. I was invited to a gathering, and there we met through a mutual friend. Who knew?

Below is my "ideal" and myself. Photo was taken about ten years ago!

We met in April.....married in August...after five years alone, and now have 35 years of marriage! We have two daughters and five grandchildren in addition to my "first batch".

I knew what I wanted in a man and waited until I found that person. My expectations were high but not out of reach!

We now serve Jehovah God together along with our family! It was well worth the wait!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cancer: Why Is It Important What I Say Or Don't Say!

Most of us have been touched by this terrible dreaded disease. CANCER! The name somehow carries with it a death sentence. Of course, the many cancer survivors are changing that! For the purpose of this blog, we will speak of those are terminally ill!

There are routine exams that will detect a potential problem long before it becomes serious. For men, prostate, lung and colon cancer are the most common. In women, breast, colon and lung are more prevalant. There are routine exams that will help deter a major illness.So it is important to be cooperate with our physicians when asked to participate in one of these tests! Now the lecture is over....getting back to our demeanor when we are with our sick loved one.

We have been personally touched by cancer by many of our family members. It is never easy. You read text on how we should make them feel comfortable. Is there any rule on how to do this? Certainly the sick individual and his personality is to considered. Focusing on his appearance before his illness helps to stay focused on him as an individual. Holding his hand and saying nothing, and crying  is useful and can let him know how much you care.

Photographs of the person in his days of health can help focus on who he is as a person. Illness can change our appearance. Some prefer to have only immediate family visit them. Some patients prefer to have all his friends around him at this crucial point in his life. Certainly we would want to respect the wishes of our loved one and maintain his dignity.

Another matter to be considered is TREATMENT. Does the patient prefer to have treatment or not have treatment! If he chooses to forego treatment, are we ready to support him in that decision? This is more difficult as it requires a sincere demostration of love. It is the most common topic for discussion when the family rallies for the solution. Ultimately, the decision falls on the patient!

For the most part, our family have lost spiritual brothers and sisters, that is, those that are related to us in the faith. We have said goodbye to family members also. We have been able to share with them the hope of all sickness and death wiped out forever in the near future. Revelation 21:3,4. Of course this is their belief, so it is comforting for them to hear it from us. They realize that they will only be "asleep" for a short time before they are resurrected and restored to perfect health. Sickness and death will soon be things of the past! John 5:28,29. In general, all sickness will be gone. No more sadness and tears for losing those we love! Rather there will be tears of joy when we see our loved ones alive again!

How do we start to be a part of this joyous time? John 17:3 says the "this means everlasting life their taking in knowledge of you the only true God and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ"
There are seven million dedicated persons all over the world declaring this wonderful message for the benefit of all mankind! They are Jehovah's Witnesses.

If We Live Forever, Where?

My last blog was reasoning on why we die and on living forever according to the bible. The first mention of death is in Genesis 2:17.

For the sake  argument and differences in opinion, let us say we CAN live forever! Where do we live? This earth as we know it is polluted and ruination is what we see! It is  full of crime, immorality and hatred. Who would want to live forever under these conditions?

The bible has the answers. Psalms 37:10,11 says "...the meek will possess the earth and find your exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.." Better conditions to be certain! How will this happen and when?

Please read Daniel 2:44. This is definitely Good News! Presently there are close to 7 million persons announcing this fine message for the benefit of all! Take a moment to listen to it!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Is It Possible To Live Forever? Yes It Is!

The Bible book of Genesis speaks of seven men who lived more than 900 years, all of them being born prior to the Flood of Noah’s day. They were Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Jared, Methuselah, and Noah. (Genesis 5:5-27; 9:29) Many of these men may be unfamiliar to most people, but all of them were among the first ten generations in human history. Methuselah is well-known for having lived the longest—a record 969 years!

The search for the "fountain of youth" has been ongoing for so many years! Why are our bodies degenerating when scientists say the body is so well constructed so as to continue living! Professor of Medicine Tom Kirkwood once said that aging “remains one of the great mysteries of medical science.” The effort to find the key to stop the aging process continues to this day.

The Authority on the biological make-up of humans should certainly have the answer! After all, he created the first man. Please don't be quick to be sceptical about this comment! We are touching on a very important topic! Who does not want to continue living? To be true to ourselves, let's consider the word of the Highest Authority that knows us better than anyone else. He placed our cells in motion. He knows how they work and why they work. We give tremendous credit to scientists when they discover an intricate part of what makes us function, even in awe of that one! Certainly, we would want to consider the Grand Creator in this mix!

To Jehovah God, aging is neither a mystery nor a problem without a solution. He created the first man, Adam, perfect and purposed that humans should live forever. Sadly, Adam decided to turn his back on God. As a result, he fell into sin and became imperfect. Herein lies the explanation scientists have been looking for: “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.” (Romans 5:12) It is because of sin and imperfection that we get sick, grow old, and die.
To believe this, we must know the person who inspired this to be written.."upon the basis of a hope of the everlasting life which God, who cannot lie, promised before times long lasting" Titus 1:2.      Our Creator cannot lie!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What Is The Condition Of The Dead?

What is the condition of the dead?  Seems like a subject you would pass up immediately, but a very appropriate subject today at a funeral discourse.

Our dear relative is now, where is he now? There are so many diverse opinions, but to stick with the facts, the bible says they are "conscious of nothing at all". What a relief for those who may have thought he was suffering a torment or enjoying bliss in the heavens. Ecclesiaster 9:5. They are simply unconscious...asleep..feeling nothing at all. He certainly will be sadly missed, but he is not suffering nor feeling anything at all!  Why do we die in the first place?

It wasn't meant to be that way....the problem started with the first human pair. Their disobedience to God's law to stay away from one fruit tree cost them their lives and those of their offspring. Genesis 2: 15-17 So the very first mention of death was in Genesis. However, we were meant to live forever!

But some say "I have seen a dead relative..she is not dead at all..I spoke with her". Actually the person is not alive. You may definitely have seen something, but remember that 2 Corinthians 11:14 says that  "Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light". We may need to read the above text in Genesis again to see how we are all affected by the first disobedience. We die..plain and simple, and isn't it wonderful that our Creator tells us what the condition of the dead is. Without that knowledge, we may think up many possibilities and not be comforted at the time of our loss.
We will miss our relative but we have the assurance that we will see him again in perfect health here on this earth. John 5: 28,29

What Is A Realistic Goal For Alex With Angelman's Syndrome

There are no marks, limitationes that I could see or even know of, so I would guess that the sky is the limit...How could we know what is locked up in the brain of a speechless person. How do we unlock Alex's potential. Pleasant surprises is my goal! Expose him to different program on his new iPad and watch him go. I have started this and will admit to frustration....but trying to be empathetic....feeling what he is feeling!

For certain, he is interested in his new "tech toy"...turning it into a means of communication is another matter. His fine motor skills need fine tuning......but that is ok....we will work with what he can do! Music is absolutely a motivation! This gives me a place to start!

Expensive...yes! However, he will not be driving a car nor riding an expensive bicycle, so....why not!

My Alex is my grandson. We have been caring for him since 1990. He is part of our family in all the senses! We love him and will continue to hope for his betterment now and in the future. Of course the basis for perfect health in the future for him is based on Isaiah 35.

I am currently working on a video that will show his progress in using his iPad! I will share it with you when completed!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hot Caldo De Res (beef soup) For A Cold Rainy Day

We thought we would make a hot soup on this cold rainy windy day...why not Caldo de Res which is a beef soup/stew? We did. enjoyed it and even have some leftover for tomorrow. It is nourishing and can be eaten with corn tortillas! The recipe is below. Try might like it!



  • 2 pounds beef shank, bone-in
  • 1 medium-sized white onion, small dice, plus 1 cup chopped onion, for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • 12 ounces beef stock
  • 12 ounces stewed tomatoes
  • 4 ears corn
  • 4 baking potatoes, like russets, unpeeled
  • 2 chayote, zucchini may be substituted
  • 6 carrots, peeled
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro, plus more, for garnish
  • Water, to cover
  • 1 head cabbage
  • 1 lime or lemon, cut into wedges
  • Corn tortillas, for garnish
  • Sliced jalapenos, for garnish


Chop the beef shank into large chunks, keeping some attached to the bone, as bone marrow is an important element of the dish. Saute the beef chunks with the chopped onions, salt, and pepper. After beef is browned, add the beef stock and the stewed tomatoes. Bring the mixture to a boil and then simmer just below boiling point for about one hour, until the beef is "spoon tender."

Wash the vegetables. Cut each ear of corn and each potato into quarters. Cut equivalent chunks of carrots and chayote (if zucchini is used, keep pieces bigger as they will cook faster than chayote). Add the vegetables to the soup. Chop 1/4 cup of cilantro and add it to the mixture. Add water, to cover, the vegetables and bring the mixture to a boil.

Reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 20 minutes. Cut the head of white cabbage into 1/2 and then into thirds, leaving the stem of the cabbage in. Wedge the cabbage chunks into the mixture and simmer for 10 more minutes.

Serve, making sure each bowl has chunks of all the vegetables. Garnish with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Serve with heated corn tortillas. Caldo de Res is accompanied by chopped sides of onion and cilantro which may be added according, to taste. Also, chopped jalapenos may be added for the perfect hangover cure.

Making Three Loaves of French Bread For Dinner

Being indoors for almost two weeks with a cold inspired me to make some bread. When I looked up some recipes, I noticed french bread. Why not try it for the first time! I love to cook and haven't done so for most of my recuperation time.

I began getting the ingredients together and was surprised at the simplicity of baking this favorite bread of ours. I have made tortillas for many years and it is far more laborous to make tortillas. Rolling out each individually is a bit more tiring...baking the bread was rather simple!

Lay the dough across a cookie sheet and let it rise.  Place on top rack of oven. another cookie sheet on bottom of oven filled with boiling water. Brush on a little water over the loaves before placing in oven.

Somehow this is to have a nice  crust on the loaves. See the placements of sheet pans!

The final result was a nice brown crust.......and delicious tasting bread. It would have been nice to have made twice as much as it didn't last long! Maybe next time! The RECIPE is shown below!

  • 2 1/2 cups hot water

  • 2 tablespoons shortening

  • 2 teaspoons salt

  • 2 tablespoons sugar

  • 2 tablespoons instant yeast

  • 6 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

  • Read more:



    1. 1
      Place hot water in large bowl.
    2. 2
      Add the shortening, salt and sugar.
    3. 3
      Stir and let stand until lukewarm.
    4. 4
      Sprinkle yeast over all.
    5. 5
      Beat until smooth.
    6. 6
      Add 3 cups flour and beat until mixed.
    7. 7
      Work in 2 cups flour with a wooden spoon.
    8. 8
      Gradually knead the last 1-1/2 cups flour in until no longer sticky-about 3 minutes.
    9. 9
      Cover and let rise for 30 minutes.
    10. 10
      Punch down and place on floured board.
    11. 11
      Roll out to a rectangle.
    12. 12
      Cut lengthwise in half.
    13. 13
      With each strip, roll up lengthwise and pinch seams.
    14. 14
      Roll gently back and forth with hands to desired length and to smooth loaf out.
    15. 15
      Lightly grease cookie sheet or use French loaf bread pans.
    16. 16
      Cover and let rise for 25 minutes.
    17. 17
      Cut diagonal slashes across bread about 1/4" deep.
    18. 18
      Preheat oven, pour boiling water on large cookie sheet to fill.
    19. 19
      Place cookie sheet on bottom rack in oven.
    20. 20
      Brush loaves with warm water and place bread on higher rack in oven above water.
    21. 21
      Bake at 350°F for 30-35 minutes.

    Read more:

      Thursday, November 3, 2011

      Standing Here! Looking Back! Years of Experience!

      The old saying looking back is 20/20 has some truth in it! When we have lived through generations of our family history, we become somewhat of an expert or at least an eye witness to some highs and lows of our family! Lots of tears, laughter, joy, pride are in the mix! As the years go by, the pain we felt when bad decisions are made on the part of the younger ones, seems to pale....Yes..the bad decisons did lead to many changes in their lives.....we learn that no matter how desperately we want the best for them, the decision is theirs to make!

      There is some comfort that we gave it our best effort to help...that counts for something! Getting older with the knowledge that we have helped in some way is somewhat gratifying and give us a feeling of purpose in our "winter years"! Are we wiser? I guess that would be relative....did we show a good example to our family members? Maybe...maybe not! Is that the point?

      We all have a different fund of tools for use when the need arises, that is, we use what we on point: My father raised us with the discipline that he was raised with. He wasn't the best example as he would drink alcohol on a regular basis. He did work and bring home a paycheck and had a structured home...something my mom was largely responsible for, the structured home. A strict man, my father! I loved my father...despite the "iron hand.. it was all he knew...he didn't have a father to raise him..only an older brother. Being strict was necessary to keep the family together...he thought he was doing the right thing! He was using the only tools he had known!

      On one particular day, he sobbed in front of me, feeling so regretful for not being the person he should have been. He had started a venture into the bible and began measuring himself as our Creator would was in that moment that EVERYTHING was better...that momentary event that would erase any lows of the past. He had been working with what he had...the only life he knew was a life of discipline, sometimes harsh discipline. Now he would be funded with knowledge of a better way. He could now use those "tools".

      I will never forget that moment...isn't it interesting how a moment can stay with us. It definitely had an impact on me this day, I make a real effort to look past the action and try to reach the person behind this action for their motive!  We are all walking around with some baggage of some kind or another. This life isn't easy! My father died in 1986.

      Of course, there are countless moments of joy to recount...grandparents out there know what I am talking about. The birth of the first grandchild, then second and then more! I have experienced that and even raised two of them! Yes....experience...I have had experience! But I have not been alone. I have a wonderful husband beside me that has experienced most of this with me! We both lean on our God Jehovah for strength!

      If you are young, why not try asking an older one about their life in the good old days! Us seniors love to relate our history...if there is someone that will listen!

      In our younger husband and partner!

      Wednesday, November 2, 2011

      When You Get Older Recuperation Is Slower!

      I am trying to keep my humor here, but slow recuperation is not pleasant...I have things to do, people to see and places to go! So why does this common cold take so long to go away!

      The bright side of this is that I have noticed the bathroom sink needs repair, the windows need a good cleaning (we skipped them this spring), my kitchen vent hood is greasy and there is dust in places I've never noticed before! I guess this means I'm getting better!

      For months, I have been receiving an email that invites me to order groceries online from our local store. I have never done it, because it is so close to our home. Well....I am home now...I think it might be fun to see how this works. The first order is free, so what can I lose? I did it and will have them delivered today! Of course, I would not order perishables and items to be weighed. I like to choose my fruits and vegetables is only MY eyes that can determine what veggies and fruits are right for me!

      I have watched more TV than ever...the food network has been my viewing of choice!  I find no interest in cupcake making so would never watch those episodes.........UNTIL NOW! I enjoyed watching the episodes. When I couldn't find the remote to change it, I was forced to watch!   Now...I like it!

      Amazing how we can tune in to our surrounding in a keener sense when we actually stay there. There is a lesson to be learned here, but I don't have a clue as to what it may be! Oh well, when I get back to my normal routine, those things won't  matter much!

      In the meantime, I will see what new interests I can discover...I've noticed some new cobwebs on my bedroom to get to that! But wait....let me get completely well first!

      Tuesday, November 1, 2011

      Here In California USA The OLDIES Get The GOODIES!

      I remember when I was able to order from the first Senior Meal Menu . It said you had to be 55 years old. I was proud! Why..I really don't know! We were on vacation in New York or Colorado (can't remember which), living in California. I held the first senior menu in my hands... As the years went by, we found that the lower cost of these senior meals were recouped by smaller portions. Where does it say we eat less because we have grown a bit older? I have seen nothing of the kind nor is it true. The portions you ate the day before at 54 years does not change in 24 hours..when you turn 55.

      Free coffee at Jack in the Box, front of the bus seating for elderly and disabled, generously discounted bus pass, discounts at theme parks, no co-pays for some insurance plans, free lunch at local senior centers, even free physical exams once a year through some plans. These are some of the advantages of having the "gray crown".

      For the most part, the above mentioned are services/provisions from local social services. However on an individual basis, we can contribute to making our older ones special. I have done that for those in our local congregation since 2005. Their expressions of gratitude tells me I should continue...

      Get four or five younger friends who are expecially industrious in planning an event such as a dinner, small gathering, etc. You can come up with the ideas...they can be the runners! You would be surprised at the willingness to help can be these youngers ones! Of course, let's identify "younger". Answer: Anyone younger than me! I chose the thirty something age...Experienced and knowledgeable about the older ones...

      Invitations to your event would be an extra touch that would make it so special. Placecards and selected seating was another consideration. Decorated tables would make it awesome! We are talking about possible shut-ins. Those with some measure of disability and even the depressed and shy! Taking that into consideration, we provided transportation for them, and selected someone they were familiar with to ride with them! Of course you would have to determine how many persons to invite. This would all depend on your resources and event site! In my case, we couldn't afford to rent even a small room for such an event. Besides that, a room would be so impersonable! So....

      We decided to empty out our living room.....yes we did......and replace with folding table and chairs..Of course, this took the cooperation of my husband. It was such a special event we were trying to create that, the extra work was really worth it!

      We had 5 persons that served the meal and attended to any other need they may have including one person in particular that helped me handle the food and pass it on to the servers. Then came the moment when each was given opportunity to relate an experience..............................

       You know how we like to tell our story! We were given the opportunity to tell something about ourselves! We have a lot to say! This helped us to know the person better!...Then the DANCING!

      The floor was cleared and we danced...What a change....we don't do that least, not most of us! I seen smiles I hadn't seen for awhile! We were all having a good time....The finally the

      Senior Dinner 2011

      It was a pleasure to plan an event where at least 25 of my friends could enjoy themselves for 6 hours of interaction, music and experiences! I hope to do it again! Not all good times come as freebees, but somehow it is SO worth it!

      The Common Cold Isn't So Common For Us Oldsters!

      This is day 9 of my common cold! On day 6, I was concerned that this cold wasn't getting better! We made an appointment with the doctor who told us that we had a cold of the virus type. No antibiotic needed! Whatever happened to the common cold? I remember sniffles and a little cough. Back then, we needed a chest vaporub and tissues! The "common" cold has turned vicious! I do have seasonal asthma, so was given a prescription for an inhaler which would help.

      This means that we would have to get over this terrible "common" cold by help from technology. No quick fix! We had the flu shot, but doesn't have anything to do with what we have. The coughing, phlegm and nasal conjestion is only part of the common cold. Thank goodness I irritated my sinuses because I was given something for that. It has helped to further irritate!

      Even when I would feel better, I could not be out socially because of the hacking and spitting of this terrible phlegm. A bad name has this PHLEGM. But wait, in looking up this symptom, I found that phlegm is produced in our bodies all the time! It is beneficial! It is when we "feel" it, that we want to get it out! I will leave this subject for you to research as I find it kind of gross, but interesting at the same time!

      Staying home gives me time to blog and catch up on my reading. So, it can't be all bad! My husband has already continued his normal routine, as he somehow has a better resistance than I do! I will take a little longer!

      All week, I hadn't cooked, so I thought I would cook yesterday. My apprehension about cooking was spreading germs. I wanted to try to start the meal! It's been a week! We normally would have a "mask" in the garage. You know, the kind that you use when doing yardwork to ward off allergies! Well, I couldn't find one! So I get my gloves. I have plenty of gloves! I keep supplied  as they are useful for Alex's care. Most who have followed my blogs know that we care for our adult grandson who has Angelman Syndrome! Well...back to the initial theme.....

      I pulled it off! I made some nice ground beef turned out very delicious! Being out of my comfort zone is so unpleasant! I want to get back to my routine. I do not want my recuperation to slow me down...At least I had the opportunity to do a little of what I enjoy! I do enjoy cooking! I made plenty, so won't have to worry for a day or so....My husband is not demanding and can do lighter cooking if he feels the need.

      I guess there is something positive about getting don't have to rush to "get better". You don't have a clock to punch! If visitors come by to visit while you are sick, there is no urgency to "look good". They understand! Also, it is OK to blow your nose in front of them..They understand!

      Come to think of's not so bad getting beats the alternative!

      Monday, October 31, 2011


      The routine of caring for a special needs person can be difficult or a very normal routine. In our senior years, this is what our life has become. Alex, our grandson, has been diagnosed with Angelman's Syndrome. Whether this diagnosis or any other that would require special needs and attention, it can be difficult....but not impossible!

      I am writing about this today because seeing this in print you may say...."oooo...I couldn't do that..."! I would expect an armchair observer to express himself in that way...When the circumstances warrant "action", it is not an impossible task. It is that...a "task". Routine and time can help us to mold this task into our lives.

      No..we would not search out this task to do on a 24 hour basis! That would be foolish! Some have chosen the caregiver as a profession because of a strong desire to help those that cannot help themselves! They go home after a shift.. Others find it repugnant to even consider it...What can I each his own...The fact is: Special needs persons NEED help of others. How grateful they must feel when there IS someone willing to help out!

      In my case, Alex is my biological grandson who was in need of a caregiver at age 3 1/2. We came in reluctantly...yes reluctantly! We knew nothing of our role to care for his needs. He was first diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Then he was re-tested and diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome (1990), a little known syndrome and little information about it. We had to do some research. The doctors and teachers knew little. I would send them printed information that I had, to share with them..

      In all honesty, I haven't participated in all the new activities involving Angelman and the fund raising that is constantly going on through the Angelman Foundation. I truly feel the pain of our Angelman kids, but have become more involved in helping Alex personally. That is my choice.

      A re-evaluation of our life, goals and expectations was now on the table. We had to consider Alex in our plans for the future. Where would he live when we are gone? Would he have someone care for him in the same way we do? What about his needs, likes, dislikes...would they be considered by his new caregiver? These are important questions to the continued good care for Alex!

      We have a SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST for Alex so that he continues to be provided for in his future.  This Trust has only a limited reach as our hope for the future is based on the promise in the Bible. We believe Alex will be able to run, jump, speak and otherwise be in perfect health soon. This belief in based on the scripture at Isaiah Chapter 35 and Psalms 37:11.

      So, how do we do it at an advanced age? We keep our faith alive by attending our christian meetings at the local Kingdom Hall and take Alex with us. We work at keeping ourselves healthy, and Alex healthy. We participate in upbuilding events. We help each other in the tasks involving Alex. That is, we take turns. We realize the "spirit is willing but the flesh is weak".

      Alex is now attending an activity center during the day. This allows us to have lunch together, share in the ministry together and just relax. The daily task of caring for his toileting needs and always looking for easier ways to care for this need, preparing and feeding him although there are times he can feed himself with assistance, showering, always looking for diversions that suit Alex, preparing him for our christian meetings, and a multitude of other things only becomes easier BECAUSE WE LOVE HIM!

      Sometimes this love is conveyed by seeking out a group home where he can be with his peers. Sometimes parents need this break. No shame...It works for some parents and in some cases it is the ONLY solution. These ones are not to be judged...Love can also be demostrated by letting go!

      The most important thing in caring for Alex is providing the best for him. He has a big family and would feel a sense of loss if he were to be separated from them! For now, the BEST is going on for him! Alex is now 25 years old!

      Thursday, October 20, 2011

      If Motivation Is The Key, I Will Unlock Alex's Learning Ability

      So far, I have used each day to stimulate Alex's thinking/brain for his advancement in communication skills. I have used his new tool, the iPad.

      I found a great link, that is, it was my daughter's referral! 
      On YouTube, there is  a young man named Joe Penna who makes videos under the title of THE MYSTERY GUITAR MAN. It was an immediate hit for Alex, as he just loves this type of comedy! Joe Penna also has some interactive funny stuff. This is going to serve well as a final touch on "working" the iPad. Hard consistent work comes first then the funny stuff! After all, that is the principal purpose of this techie gadget! But Joe Penna IS funny! Sorry, I couldn't show his video..Copyright issues!  You can look it up for yourself. Check out Alex's complete enjoyment from one of Joe Penna"s video!

      It feels good to see Alex enjoying himself. Mr. Penna had the opportunity to see Alex's reaction!

      It took awhile to decide on the purchase of such an expensive item (iPad). At least, expensive to me. Although, Alex has his own funds and I try to be conservative with his money. This was a good deal...a learning gadget. It is up to me to be consistent. That is the key! REPETITION is RETENTION!

      ANGELMAN SYNDROME parents can appreciate how our children can learn through consistency. Trouble is, we are so wiped out by the end of the day that determination becomes the factor then motivation...maybe a miday nap will help! :) For some children, diversion and funny stuff as mentioned above is best for the child. There are different levels of functionality.
      As for Alex...learning is priority! I think he can do it!

      Wednesday, October 19, 2011

      Video of Alex Learning His New iPad With Diagnosis Angelman Syndrome!

      When Alex received his iPad, he was curious and excited but a bit apprehensive. I explained as well as I could how we touch it not slam it! Alex, with his diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome has shown us that there may be some cognitive skills to be tapped. I am so motivated to help him communicate with some new applications!

      Of course, this has to be handled in a deliberate, consistent way. There will be fustration on my part, I know. My desire to see him go to the next level is keen, butI need to be patient.

      There will be funtime on the iPad after he has done some work. Today I uploaded the application AUTO VERBAL PRO from the iTunes site. Alex is non-verbal, so this app will work just fine to begin with. Later on, there might be a more complex application for him!

      I intend to document his progress or at least our sessions, whether or not he makes great strides. His focus on the screen makes me think that he is willing to learn!

      I participate in a group of Angelman Syndrome parents. Their input in regards to this iPad "tool" has been helpful! I have learned alot from the comments on their wall! Our Angelman kids (adults or children) have a potential that we do not know about yet.
      I say expose them to the learning tools and see what surprises we experience!
                                    Alex fascinated by his iPad!!

      The two still photos show the day he seen his iPad for the first time!

      I have hope that he will learn more than I can imagine with my consistent effort with him!

      Tuesday, October 11, 2011


      Alex with his limited motor control, will have the opportunity to show us what is inside his brain! His IPad was ordered yesterday. Alex is 25 years old and non-verbal.

      Alex, with Angelman Syndrome, has not had a high tech device, like the IPad to show us what he can do. He loves the computer and the dvd player, but fumbles with it as it is not "special needs friendly" as we have seen! Aside from a "special equipment" used at schools and centers that could accomodate him, a tool as the IPad is what he really needs for home.

      It is rather simple in structure, but will have a variety of learning tools for him. He could even have a face to face with a friend in Britain that also has an IPad. We are looking forward to it.
      I will have to teach him the programs which will be ongoing. That is ok. After all, it is a brain stimulator for him!

      Alex has never rode on a bike nor driven a car. He does not know how it feels to come down on a sled in the snow. He has never taken a dive into a swimming pool...what's the big deal about spending almost $700.00 for his IPad. He will love it. I know he will!

      Buttons..cause and effect are fascinating to Alex...We will get programs that will help him learn and strategize....although limited in his abililities...he is going to get the opportunity!

      Buttons.......I remember when he walked out of the doctor's office, unnoticed by me, and headed for the elevators....Buttons......he pushed the button, elevator opened, he walked in.......I caught him just in time!  He's come along way since then..he's an adult now....Let's see what he can do!

      I was offered free engraving for the back of the IPad! I made up and appropriate saying. It says..."This is Alex's Apple" "Get his permission if you want a byte"

      I definite will post a photo of him with his new IPad!!  I am today posting an older photo of him. I guess we can caption it Alex waiting for the UPS truck!

      Monday, October 10, 2011

      Getting Old......!

      I have always been an active woman.In my early twenties I already had four children from a early marriage. I sewed, cooked, baked and engaged in volunteer work each month. Since then, I have had and additional two children and raised two grandchildren! An active life, indeed! 
      I am now seventy years old. A grandmother, great grandmother and caregiver for my adult grandson. Chores do not come as easy as before. They do get done at any rate.

      My health is very good, and I am not taking medication for any ailments. Calcium is my daily vice.

      When I get off a chair, it takes a few seconds to stretch the kinks out before taking my first steps.

      First steps? Sounds like there might be some truth to the saying about the cycle of an older person reverting back to a baby. In a sense, the deteriorating body becomes frail as to need help to function.
      Some of us will need assistance in walking, eating and caring for our personal hygiene needs.

      If that should happen to me, my hope is that I will NOT become a burden to my family. If I should need help, I am hoping there will be a handful of willing workers. However, my observation is that the younger ones have so many diversions at their fingertips that we have lost the physical touch of humans to that of indented squares of our keyboard that is strategically placed in front of a moniter. Yes, technology! Who wants to be caring for the personal needs of an individual when they could be moving as fast as their fingertips on the computer!

      I am sure that there will be some caring persons who will be available to be of assistance to me. That is, should I need the help! I am working hard at keeping ME as healthy as I can.

      Check out my video above when interviewing two children on the subject of OLD!

      Sunday, October 9, 2011

      Sickness and Death Make It Go Away! It Will!

      My belief in the Bible gives me the faith that sickness and death will be events of the past...soon!  Revelation 21:3, 4.

      At the present time, we are thinking of our young friend (young enough to be our grandson) who is ill with an unknown diagnosis. He is currently in the hospital. It appears serious! Too young to be plagued by this kind of illness, currently unknown!

      Then there is the family member who has recently been diagnosed with stage four cancer! He is not doing well as expected. Ironically, he retired 8 months ago and found out his diagnosis two months ago! This is a dark cloud over us at this time!

      Two other family members, age 85 and 90 live 400 miles from us. They have been married 62 years! We check on them by telephone routinely. Because of their age, it is important to us to be at the ready to mobilize for any emergency changes. They both have been part of our lives for many years. We worry for them! Thankfully, they are in a community of fellow worshippers at the local Kingdom Hall.

      Illness can strike at any age. Death can, too! Our view of death prepares us for the eventuality. The unconcious know nothing at all says the scripture. Ecclesiastes 9:10.

      The older couple mentioned above worked tirelessy in the ministry and were models of showing hospitality to others. Now their weakened bodies has slowed down. However, they continue to do what they can to participate in showing love to their friends.

      Years ago, she would prepare a large meal for families she wanted to know better. They had a table that seats six. They were two and their adult son (with Autism) would sit on the couch with a TV tray. She had room for four more persons at her small round table. That is how she did it for 50 years as I remember it! She is a great cook! Her husband helps out now. They are a joy to see, working together in the kitchen at their age!

      We know that we won't have them too much longer. The scripture cited above helps us to be hopeful for something better. It is a strong hope even they embrace. We are all Jehovah's Witnesses and our hope is strong! But losing anyone in death or watching them suffer an illness brings sadness to us! It is NOT normal to lose someone in death! It is not something we have to accept. We look forward to a time when we will not have to speak of death or illness!

      In the meantime, we console each other when it does happen! We will explain to those that don't know, why death occurs and why we get sick. The bible has those answers!

      My personal sadnesses are not  unique. I know there are many out there who are suffering losses!

      We look for the time when sickness and death are gone forever! It will be..!

      Saturday, October 8, 2011

      Conference Meeting Brunch and A Walk Through Old Towne San Diego

      Friday started with arrangements for my husband to attend the conference meeting about Alex at the activity center...alone. My energy level from allergies had just zapped me. Then it occurred to me that there is a necessary annual meeting right after the first. I HAD to choice! I began to dress. Since I had been at home all week trying to feel better (I hate taking meds) I decided to look nice, in case I could convince my husband to go somewhere while we were out!

      The meeting turned out well. Alex is really liked at the center and they find him very social and easy to get along with. Angelman Syndrome persons are very social, and although they can be problematic with some issues, all in all they are happy people! A syndrome of choice..that is, if one had a choice!

      So, now lets go eat brunch! I wasn't too hungry, as I had coffee and a roll for breakfast, but I wasn't going to resist. After all, I hadn't been out all week! The alternative was to go directly home. I am a homebody, but I needed to stay out of the house for this particular morning and longer if I could swing it! I brought up the suggestion of going to OLD TOWNE here in San Diego.

      We live in the San Diego area, but would you believe that we have not really appreciated all there is to see there, in regards to history of this state! My husband had no enthusiasm for the suggestion. Counter offer: Let's do an errand in National City then get on bus and get there directly with no worries about parking! I wasn't enthused about that. This was my first day out of the house in a week and didn't feel good about being on a noisy bus! Then silence...nothing was decided.

      After our meal was over, we started on our way home without a word...I was thinking that I had to go by myself in this case. I didn't want to force him to go. He had things to do at home! At the last minute, he parked and said "let me pick up a few things, I'll be right back out". We went to OLD TOWNE together and took our time looking at all we could see in two hours. Of course, my camera came along. I took pictures and video of our two hour staycation!

      Five minutes after we arrived at home, Alex arrived! We used all morning and afternoon doing nothing super important...just relaxing!

      I am in the process of editing the video and pictures. I will attach them to this blog when it is ready, which should be sometime today, Saturday!  Ooops! Couldn't get the video uploaded, so here's some photos...!

      Thursday, October 6, 2011

      The Day After Family Dinner Night

      Well, my son-in-law Jason did a great job in preparing four pizzas last night for Family Dinner Night! Surprisingly, we almost consumed ALL of them...He refused to share the herbs he used on the Margarita pizza. No...nothing to do with the drink. There were 15 of us here this night! I say, that only Colonel Sanders and the "cookie lady" (her name escapes me) have the right to withhold ingredients. Jason brought all ingredients in containers. Had I known that he wasn't going to share information, I would have peeked!

      Credit for good prep and patience making the pizzas goes to JASON!! He has been at home as Mr. Mom for a few months now and has acquainted himself with the kitchen quite well! He also makes pancakes, waffle and BBQs quite well! Didn't take photos this night!

      The noise level with six children in the living room while we sat in dining room, was tremendous! Or would this be an indication that I have now moved on to the next level of senioritis!  I had a daycare and don't remember the impact on my ears to this degree! Oh well, they are my grandchildren...once in a while is ok! But I think I still have it! All I have to do is say "we get dessert AFTER the toys are picked  up". It works!  Last night, we started something new...each child gets a "ticket" (a piece of white paper). They were to get in line with their ticket and wait their turn and hand the "ticket" to the server for their dessert! Somehow they are more patient while waiting. That "ticket" is their guarantee that they WILL get dessert!

      So much for my adventuresome midweek dinner! Pictured here is Jason with my daughter!

      Wednesday, October 5, 2011

      Early Start of This Wednesday

      Today, I am an early riser as I ended my yesterday at 8:00 last evening. Very tired, probably because of some allergies I am coping with. At 3:00 am I was ready to start my today. Trouble is, the day isn't ready for me. Others are still sleeping. I have to keep relatively quiet. So what is the advantage of getting up so early?

      For one thing, I can blog, which I am doing now. The clicking of the keyboard is minimal. :)
      My today will be full. I will need to take a midday nap to feel refreshed for this evening. We have planned a family evening dinner. We will be eating homemade pizza that my son-in-law volunteered to prepare for us. I will make some macaroni and cheese for the children as per their request. We have had family nights for so many years, we have come to expect it. There are now five grandchildren to add to the table. Soon they can add in a dish of their own!

      Yes, I will use the quiet part of this morning to read. That will make it all worth it!

      Tuesday, October 4, 2011

      Recollecting My Thoughts..meditation

      Some need this reflection, some can do without it. I need it...and occasionally! Some call it meditation..but in a good sense. Not filled with random thoughts, but deliberate. That is how I can benefit from this time of concentration. Let's see..I've got to get back on track with my goals. A temporary interruption with my plans. But back to the drawing board. Now that Alex is going to the center each day for special activities, I can get back to the volunteer activities I have shared with my husband.

      Family illness has forced a change in our schedule. At the end of this month will end a three month family stay in our home. Illness has made it necessary for a family of five to move in with us. This has been a change that has tested my emotions, patience and endurance. Only because of a change in routine. A routine that I have been accustomed to for some years now.

      Now in November, that will change. My husband and I have always been there for those in need, serious need! In this case, it was no different! I am reflecting back on the times we have opened our home to friends and family on a temporary basis. Listing those occasions serve no purpose, except to say "we have done our part" We are now seniors that need a simple life style. Our life style of choice is the ministry. That continues to be our goal!

      I guess I need to meditate on the reasons I want to fulfill my goal and "stop" taking on the responsibility of additional life changes! Caring for our special needs grandson Alex who is now 25, is enough for us.

      Yes, I think we have done our part. This is the reasonable, logical part of this thought process. I need to work on the emotional part of this decision! Thus, meditation!

      I think I am getting better at saying no when there are other alternatives.

      Tuesday, September 27, 2011

      My Day At The Beach With The GrandKids

      I love the beach, so what better place to take the grandkids.  School is out for three weeks. The kids are part fish, so they won't mind. We packed a light lunch and snacks and we were on our way! And oh yes...I brought my camera. How could I forget that! One thing about the SAND, it is not easy to walk on it when it sometimes pains to walk on even surface! Oh well..I've got some grandparenting to do! Can't think about my feet right now!

      The pleasure of living in southern California, is that you drive a very short distance to get to the beach, and BEACH means WATER!  I love it! Messy, yes! It's time consuming when you get back in the van! Rinse the sand off. Change clothes in the van..sit on floor while changing! All wet clothes goes in that, NOT on the THAT bag! Hold that snack with the plastic bag so you won't get sand in your mouth! Then I have to dust of MY clothes. Sand and leather seats do not mix! The drive home was more tranquil after I bought us all an ice cream cone. Our mouths are busy, so it was a quiet ride! Now, my grandkids were very cooperative, but still, they ARE children. Lots of energy needed to match the "kids out of school" energy they need to explode!

      I haven't mentioned getting home yet. All were to stand at the hose area to be "washed off" the best we could before entering the house. All sandy stuff stays outside until laundry started! In spite of all this, I love the beach!

      All and all, we had a nice time! Enjoy the video with some added special visual effects..then tell me what you think!